Swap Map App Idea:

"In the last year the price of both diesel and gasoline has increased by 23% its usual price. This is a sharp change in the lives of the Spanish population both for people who use the car as a work tool and for those who use it for mere mobility.
We want to launch an application that, in a simple way and through the driving itself, can help the user with this problem".


Swap Map is a mobile application for IOS and Android that combines a navigation system for smartphones (commonly called "maps") and a redemption system for accumulation of points. The app collects the user's activity behind the wheel and transforms the fulfillment of different objectives into points redeemable for automotive products.

Project Steps:

- Benchmark          - Card Sorting
- Inquiry                   - Interviews
- User Persona
- Info. Architecture
- Site Map Diagram
- Prototype Design


Swap Map Design

Used Items

Items specifically designed for Swap Map.


© Rodrigo Jiménez. All rights reserved.

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